The Girl Behind the Courses
WordPress and I have an understanding: I’m the dom, it’s the sub. I can make it do whatever I want, whenever I want. If it doesn’t listen, I remind it who’s boss (nothin’ like a good spanking can’t fix).
I like to throw it up against the wall, strip it down, and tell it exactly what I’m going to do to it… line by line…
I promise I’m not some psycho who’s petitioned for the right to marry a piece of software. THAT WOULD BE CRAZY.
Seriously though… I just really love to code.

My name is Ashley and I’ve got this whole WordPress thing nailed (teehee).
I’m a 25 year old American girl living in England. You see, I fell in love with this guy who has a hot, British accent. You know what I’m talking about, ladies. It just sounds so dreamy. So I left my life in sunny California, ran away to the land of clouds and rain, and married the love of my life.
I started designing and coding when I was about 12 and playing Neopets. I created awesome “pet pages” for my Neopets. I had a snazzy collection of “Lookup of the Week CHAMPION” and “Site Spotlight CHAMPION” trophies. I was pretty awesome.
Now, I’m a badass WordPress developer. I build themes and plugins (some free, some paid, some in the repo, some not).
I won’t claim I know everything about WordPress, but I know a damn lot. I know enough to have badass confidence every time I start a new project. And ultimately, isn’t that something we all crave? Confidence?
My mission is to create an army of tech-savvy, WordPress-dominating women.
Why women? For #GirlPower reasons.
Women + Tech = Super Awesome.
Sure, there are a lot of women in the WordPress space. But when I look around, I see most of those in the design space. And while that’s fine and dandy (I know some super brilliant designers!), I’d like to see more women in the coding space.
- More women building plugins.
- More women coding themes.
- More women in the repo.
- More women contributing to core (still working on this myself!).
Want to see some of my latest projects? Check out my GitHub profile.